Joseph Moreau
Vice President, Practice Lead for Data Management as a Service
As executive consultant, Joseph Moreau brings his extensive experience of more than three decades in higher education to advise the Higher Digital leadership on strategic direction for the company and how to most effectively communicate its value proposition to institutional executives. His unique knowledge and expertise in large-scale, system-level software implementations is a significant asset to clients such as the North Carolina Community College System. Moreau also serves as the executive director of the CISOA CIO Certification Program.
Moreau began his career as a videographer and media specialist for a variety of firms in the private sector. In 1990, he left the private sector for higher education. He has held a variety of leadership positions including manager of the Instructional Resources Center at Pasadena City College; Dean of Learning Resources at West Hills College; Dean of Academic Information Services at MiraCosta College; and Chief Technology Officer for SUNY Oswego. In 2012, he was appointed Vice Chancellor of Technology and CTO for the Foothill-De Anza Community College District, overseeing technology for two of nation’s premier community colleges. Joseph has served on the boards of a number of non-profit and professional organizations including the California Community Colleges Chief Information Systems Officers Association (CISOA), the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC), the Oracle Higher Education User Group (HEUG), the SUNY Faculty Advisory Council for Teaching and Technology (FACTT), and Educause. In 2013, Moreau took on responsibility of Executive Sponsor for California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative – a $222 million project to reengineer the system’s online instruction and support services. In 2022, he retired from the California Community Colleges, but continues to be involved in higher education as a consultant and advisor to a number of companies and institutions.
Joseph Moreau earned his BA in Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego and his MA in Education at Cal State Los Angeles.