Tag Archive for: Student Experience

A diverse group of students demonstrating the results of simplifying SaaS adoption, gather outside a university building, looking at a laptop and each other

Higher Digital Welcomes Antoine (Andy) Kearney as Vice President, Digital Experiences and Engagement Practice Lead

[McLean, VA] Higher Digital, a leading provider of strategic consulting services and solutions to the higher education market, announces that Antoine (Andy) Kearney joins the company as Vice President, Digital Experience and Engagement Practice…
A diverse group of students demonstrating the results of simplifying SaaS adoption, gather outside a university building, looking at a laptop and each other

Higher Digital and Ready Education Partner to Accelerate Student Journey Success

Collaborative solutions simplify SaaS adoption for higher education institutions [McLean, VA] Higher Digital announced today a partnership with Ready Education to offer change management services to higher education leaders looking to migrate…

Tag Archive for: Student Experience


Failure With Distinction?

I was recently reminiscing about Dr. Bob Kvavik, esteemed professor and Vice President at the University of Minnesota and pioneer in the adoption of ERP in Higher Ed.  He was the primary author on the ECAR studies of ERP, and he was an evangelist…

Beyond Business Process: Designing for the Institutional and Student Experience

In higher education, the focus on business process redesign (BPR), automation, and workflow efficiency has become the standard. Institutions are investing heavily in streamlining operations to eliminate inefficiencies and improve compliance.  But…

Reimagining the Professor/Student Power Dynamic Using AI

For centuries, most of higher education has relied upon a relatively “authoritarian” teaching model: deeply educated professors would share their academic knowledge and test students on their ability to echo that knowledge in classic forms…

Tag Archive for: Student Experience

Dr. Vincent Del Casino Joins TRANSFORMED podcast as guest - smiling bearded white male executive

Creating Student Success in a Digital Now

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Dr. Vin Del Casino, Provost at San José State University, joins our host, Joe Gottlieb, Higher Digital President and Chief Technology Officer, for a dynamic conversation on creating student success in a digital now. Dr. Del Casino shares…

Balancing Complex Forces in The California State University System

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In this episode, Joe Gottlieb, President and CTO of Higher Digital, sat down with Michael Berman, CIO of the California State University System, to discuss how large state systems can balance common standards with proactive IT service leadership to achieve digital transformation at scale.

Gamifying Student Engagement, with Shaunak Roy

In this episode, Joe Gottlieb, President and CTO of Higher Digital, sat down with Shaunak Roy, founder and CEO of Yellowdig, to discuss how gamification and social learning technologies are getting higher engagement.

Reimagining College for Faster Completion

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In this episode, Joe Gottlieb, President and CTO of Higher Digital, sat down with John Gabrieli, co-founder and Managing Director of the Trio New College Network, to discuss Trio’s innovative approach to helping communities create hybrid colleges focused on competency-based outcomes for students.

Transforming Student Value via System-level Shared Services

Last week at Ellucian Live, Joe Gottlieb and Jory Hadsell presented in person on how leveraging system-level shared services can transform student value. Listen to the episode for a deep dive into the topic.

The Intersection of Business and Digital Transformation

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President Joe Gottlieb welcomes Aimee Leishure, former SVP of Business Transformation at Laureate, to dive into the intersections of business transformation and digital transformation and how it can enhance the student experience.