CISG-PCMG19 in London a Success!

Wayne Bovier and Michael Agnew attended UCISA’s Corporate Information Systems Group and Project and Change Management Group 2019 conference from 21 to 23 November at London-Heathrow. This represented Higher Digital’s first ever non-US conference as exhibitors. We had a wonderful experience meeting many of the 200+ delegates at CISG-PCMG19. We were impressed by the great content presented by the speakers, the dialogue around digital transformation, and the overall organisation of the event. We shall be back next year!
On the Wednesday morning, we set up our stand to be ready for the lunchtime opening of the Exhibit Hall. Then for the next day and a half we had a steady stream of visitors telling us about their Institutions’ challenges and what Digital Transformation meant to them. The evening social events provided great opportunities to interact too. By the end of the conference, both Wayne and I had gained a clearer understanding of the issues facing higher education in the UK, Ireland, and further afield.
A big thanks to all those who took the time and stopped at our stand! During these interactions, conference attendees voted on up to 12 digital transformation areas that were most important to them by placing cards in the appropriate ranking container (High Interest, Medium Interest, Low Interest). We shall use the results of this poll to help us determine the direction that our products and services will take next year.
And finally the actual results. As shown in the chart, Student Experience topped the poll and received the most votes of ‘High Interest’ at our stand, followed by Enterprise Architecture and Emerging Technology. We look forward to sharing a more detailed report of our findings at the end of the year, including a tabulation of the total results from all the conferences we attended this autumn. #DXSimplified #highered #digitaltransformation