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Change Management as a Service™

Change Management as a Service™

Change is the only constant.

Are you ready to rise above the prevalence of project failure rates?

Join our community of customers operationalizing proven change management practices and delivering consistent, sustainable and impactful project outcomes. 



Change Management as a Service™

(SEA)change™ is Change Management as a Service – a proven, business-first answer to managing change in the digital era. Our approach leverages Higher Digital’s proprietary digital change management methodology to reduce risk and improve outcomes for any project.

Based on Lean Agile principles, (SEA)change will help you:

  • Establish a governance structure to determine priorities and review progress
  • Better understand operational, organizational, technical and cultural gaps
  • Bridge the gap between business and IT and create leadership partnerships that focus on managing complex interdependencies and service delivery
  • Train, coach, and align teams around goals, priorities, and principles
  • Build the communication channels and infrastructure to implement a replicable process that keeps pace with constant change
  • Define metrics and reporting to demonstrate effectiveness and track results

(SEA)change is a proven process that empowers leaders to own their digital strategy and experience while advancing their school’s ability to adapt and deliver – in days or weeks, not months or years.

Our approach to change management

(SEA)change combines the most effective practices from several common frameworks and highlights those that are most relevant and practical for most enterprises – we call it Simplified Enterprise Agile® (SEA).


The (SEA)change™ Process


ASSESS stakeholders and participants to gauge readiness, maturity, alignment, and practical next steps.


STRATEGIZE to prioritize initiatives likely to provide the highest “return on transformation” (RoT) in pursuit of your enterprise vision.


TRANSFORM your organization, operations, and technology rhythm using Simplified Enterprise Agile (SEA).


MEASURE your change velocity, team alignment, and value created against your enterprise key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Service Offerings

Change Management Baseline Service:

Utilizing confidential online surveys of cross-functional teams, Higher Digital assesses, analyzes and benchmarks the institution’s cultural alignment, digital health, operational maturity, and best starting points for improvement. Pricing depends on institution and project scope; 3-4 weeks to deliver.

Change Management Blueprint Service:

Building on findings from the Change Management Baseline Service, Higher Digital conducts discovery workshops on strategy, operations, system/architecture and change management to drive a detailed blueprint for change including a “quick win” and long-term prioritized roadmap and performance measurement framework. Pricing depends on institution and project scope; 10-12 weeks to deliver.

Change Management Embedded Service:

To enhance the implementation and/or modernization of your ERP system (or any other system), Higher Digital embeds a team of specialists to train and operationalize its strategic change management process so that the institution becomes self-sufficient with industry best practices. Pricing depends on institution and project scope; available in 6-month and 12-month retainer service terms.

Change Management Launch Service:

This phase includes a focus on all implementation activities (configuration, testing, training, and go-live support) to mitigate the effects of change. For each go-live event, typically for each system module, Higher Digital completes these activities, collects lessons learned, and makes adjustments to support the next module.

Change Management Evolve Service:

Many effects of change, and the support required to assist in this evolution, occur as personnel begin to incorporate the new processes into their day-to-day activities. Higher Digital ensures that business operations are not impacted through this cycle and continues to recommend adjustments over time.

Contact us to learn how we can help you improve IT project success.