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Culture Assessment


Culture Assessment

Will culture make or break your ability to manage change? 

It is often said that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” and we couldn’t agree more. The most insightful, clearly communicated and persistently executed strategies can flounder if they fail to fit with your institution’s culture. And perhaps even more important, fitting with culture today means also understanding and fitting with your institution’s digital culture 

Higher Digital’s Culture Assessment is designed to help institutions understand their digital culture, identify how to enhance it, and determine how to leverage it for strategic and operational success. 

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What We Assess


Your organizational score indicates how well your institution’s underlying values and beliefs are understood, prioritized, and communicated.


Your operational score indicates how well the underlying values and beliefs of your institution are represented and reinforced through the processes and systems of the organization.


Your technical score indicates how well your use of technology has contributed to shaping and differentiating your culture.

Your Results

Regardless of the size or complexity of your institution and/or technology portfolio, our Culture Assessment will help you understand 1) your digital culture’s relative strengths and weaknesses factored by organizational, operational and technical contexts, and 2) how you compare to other institutions. 

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Culture Assessment Benefits

  • Determine your cultural readiness for digital change across three dimensions: Organizational, Operational, and Technical.
  • Quickly prioritize your most important improvement areas to increase your chances for success. 
  • Benchmark your digital culture against other institutions. 
  • Build awareness of your cultural readiness for digital change across the institution. 

Higher Digital offers this baseline Culture Assessment for freee to help all institutions begin the process of mastering effective and efficient change management. If you want to continue the journey as a Higher Digital customer, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our customers are active practitioners of continuous improvement, leveraging our data, software and expert facilitation to operationalize the new process muscles required to exceed their strategic and operational goals. 

Get Started – Take Culture Assessment

Higher Digital respects and protects  your  privacy, consistent with global  standards. All data reporting is  anonymized at the individual and  institution level. 

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