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November 9, 2023

Organizational Mutations Leading to Higher Ed Evolution

In this episode, Len Jessup – President at Claremont Graduate University – not only is first to ask if he is a “mutation,” but shares how he came to his current role while explaining the evolution of the presidential career path, driven by governance boards’ desires for change agent leaders, and other mutations leading to […]

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October 26, 2023

Alignment as a Catalyst for Positive Change

In this episode, Tom Andriola – Vice Chancellor for Data and Information Technology, Chief Digital Officer at the University of California, Irvine – shares how aligning across the critical elements of people, culture, technology and data acts as a catalyst for positive change.   References:  Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor for Data and Information Technology, Chief Digital Officer at […]

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November 4, 2021

Co-Founder and COO Colleen Baker named a DCA Live 2021 Power Women in Tech

Award reflects Baker’s leadership and Higher Digital’s success in helping higher ed institutions make better use of technology Colleen Baker, Higher Digital’s co-founder and COO, was named to DCA Live’s 2021 New Power Women in Tech, an award that recognizes founders, investors, executives, connectors, and engineers who are making significant contributions to the local tech […]

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