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American University Case Study
October 28, 2019

Case Study: American University
Adopts (SEA)change™

AU adopted Higher Digital’s Simplified Enterprise Agile™ process, also known as (SEA)change™, which provided the training and team optimization to enable a more agile, product-focused approach that involved stakeholders throughout the organization. AU created a product management organization to manage product roadmaps, and embraced a more user-centric approach to developing application interfaces.

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Skills Training Knowledge Learning Competence Ability Education
September 24, 2019

Job Market Disruptions Inspire Institutional Transformation

Higher Education Institutions have an incredible opportunity to increase enrollments and remain viable in today’s uncertain market. The modern workplace is rapidly evolving, so workers need to develop new or enhanced skills—leading to company-subsidized the retraining programs and increasing consumer demand for educational and training programs that help workers change jobs or advance their careers.

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Digital Disruption
August 12, 2019

Introducing Your Enterprise Architect

Your decision to hire an Enterprise Architect or bring one on as a consultant means that your institution is ready to think of IT as providing business value rather than as an organization that simply keeps the lights on for the institution.

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Enterprise Architecture
June 17, 2019

The Skills of an Enterprise Architect

Part 2: The Skills of an Enterprise Architect – in which we explore the skills that one should look for in an Enterprise Architect.  They have a wide swath of responsibilities, goals, and authority, depending on the institution’s requirements as well as the basic skills and interests of the person who is filling that role.

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tall buildings
April 10, 2019

Strategic Architecture in Higher Ed

As part of the next phase of digital transformation, institutions and Information Technology (IT) departments will need to understand their entire architecture and be responsible for overseeing a consistent investment toward improving their digital experience and ecosystem.

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Michael Agnew
March 19, 2019

Why I joined Higher Digital?

The last several days have been full of wonderful congratulatory messages. I appreciate everyone who has reached out and thank you all for your kind words. I’ve been thinking about this move to Higher Digital for several months now…to better leverage my skills and experience to help address the challenges within global higher education.

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Monty Python movie quote: "Ah! I see you have the machine that goes "PING"!
February 25, 2019

Is Ed Tech Hype in Remission? Or Rebalancing?

HIGHER DIGITAL was founded to provide institutions with the methodologies and software services needed to independently and quickly assess, plan, and measure technology strategies across the enterprise, in a completely ground-breaking way.

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keyboards privacy lock
August 28, 2018

Higher Digital Goes Global with Privacy Protection

HIGHER DIGITAL turned questions about its personal data practices into an opportunity to improve customer satisfaction and address new GDPR requirements. We created a more transparent Privacy Policy and opt-in process, while removing boilerplate language that was unnecessarily intrusive, and went beyond anything we ever intended to do with customers’ personal data.

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