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Students in Class
July 23, 2018

7 Strategic Steps to Dramatically Increase Student Engagement and Turn Frustration into Success!

Most of us are deeply engaged with technology. Our expectations are high for what our digital experiences should be, and our frustrations grow if they become complicated, confusing, and unclear. Higher Education, and many of the software solutions that support our institutions, are woefully behind most other industries in providing a cohesive, engaging, and supportive digital experience. This has to change.

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July 16, 2018

Simplifying Digital Transformation in 4 Steps

The hardest part of a successful digital transformation is knowing where to start. Paralysis and inertia are everywhere and can be the proverbial sand in the gears of progress; however, successful transformation always starts with small, simple steps.

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January 28, 2018

Data Privacy Day and Higher Education

Everyone on campus is responsible for keeping students’ and other community members’ personal information private and secure; what better time to learn more about privacy best practices, and help spread the word. Today is Data Privacy Day! While there is plenty of great general privacy advice, EDUCAUSE has provided a useful guide intended specifically for […]

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Happy 2018
January 2, 2018

Message from our CEO

On behalf of the board and staff of HIGHER DIGITAL, I would like to wish each one of you a Happy New Year. 2017 was quite an amazing year for us, and we look forward to continuing to build an innovative company that is focused on helping organizations navigate the organizational, operational, and technical challenges […]

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November 28, 2017

Survival of the Digital-est: How Can Institutions Survive Technology Innovation?

Now is the time to create and implement a bold digital plan to transform your institution to be better able to meet the increasing demand for more cost-effective degrees, certifications and training while improving the digital services being offered. Your institution’s future depends on it. At a time when training and education are becoming even […]

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September 15, 2017

Acknowledging You Have a Problem Is the First Step to Digital Transformation

The first step in making any kind of change, personal, professional or organizational, is acknowledging you have a problem; however, when your organization is in constant motion and in a non-stop, reactive state, it makes recognizing you even have a problem almost impossible. I ran into this exact situation again this morning when the Director […]

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July 6, 2017

The Cost of Digital and Change Avoidance in Higher Education

There are a variety of takeaways from the announcement that DeVry, a for-profit institution, agreed to settle for $100 million with the FTC, but what stands out to me the most has to do with priorities, focus, and organizational structure with higher education. In today’s fast-paced, software-centric world, a $100M is an incredible amount of […]

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June 9, 2017

Is “Digital Transformation” a Buzz Term?

Is “digital transformation” a buzz term? The short answer is… “yes, but…” The term has all the signs of being overused. Attend any conference or pick up any leading business magazine, and you’ll run into this term over-and-over again. In addition, most large and small consulting companies are offering ill-defined or vague services around helping […]

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