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Higher Ed Tech

July 18, 2024

Transforming the Strategic Plan to Transform the Institution

Dr. Michael Lacourse, Provost at Utah Tech University, joins Joe Gottlieb to walk through a series of strategic planning cycles and the meaningful impact the entire institution realized as the strategy evolved over time. Learn from Dr. Lacourse about the planning process and its outputs as well as the impressive results for Utah Tech, its […]

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July 2, 2024

Transforming Business Reports as a Pathway to Data Governance

In this episode of TRANSFORMED, Fred Rocha – retired CIO of Coast Community College District and Senior Consultant with Higher Digital, joins Joe Gottlieb to discuss how evolving business reporting can lead to better data governance in higher education. They explore common challenges institutions face, like siloed data and manual reporting processes, and offer insights […]

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June 19, 2024

A New Chapter: Transformative SaaS Solutions

Blog author: Emily Rudin, Chief Client Officer   It has been about a month since I joined Higher Digital, and many of you have asked me, “Why?” That’s a good question. I contemplated retiring; however, after listening to the Higher Digital executive team and staff, I heard a compelling story where I felt my background […]

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June 4, 2024

Managing Change in Higher Ed: Lessons from the Triangle Offense

In professional basketball, the triangle offense stands out as a strategic masterpiece. Popularized by Tex Winter and adopted by Coach Phil Jackson, this offensive system helped the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers secure numerous championships. But beyond the hardwood, the principles of the triangle offense offer profound insights into managing change in complex organizations. […]

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May 23, 2024

Transformation via Active, Open Leadership

    In this episode of TRANSFORMED, Josh Wilson, Board Vice Chair for Apereo Foundation and Senior Engagement Manager for Higher Digital, shares his leadership philosophy and who he sees as the most compelling audience for such development. In addition, he shows how this active and open leadership approach improves outcomes, especially when paired with […]

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May 9, 2024

Developing a Comprehensive Strategy for AI

In this episode of TRANSFORMED, Patricia Patria, Chief Information Officers at Babson College, talks about the immediate learnings and actions Babson was able to take as a result of a quick-turn experiment she recently led to explore AI in higher education. Learn how this experiment, implemented across a range of courses, resulted in defined needs, […]

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April 25, 2024

Principle-Centered Leadership for Confident Transformation

In this episode of TRANSFORMED, Dr. Ali Houshmand, President at Rowan University, highlights the value of candid assessments of what internal teams can deliver and what they can’t. With that understanding, leaders can develop partnerships that are aligned with the institution’s goals to fill gaps, following best practices and encouraging mutual growth.   References: Dr. […]

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Thinking Digital
April 18, 2024

Retiring Technical Debt and Reducing Risk

Blog author: Fred Rocha, Senior Consultant (previously Chief Information Technology Officer for Coast Community College District)   We are all familiar with the concept of financial debt; the state of owing money to someone. For many, this is an uncomfortable feeling. Many of us strive to be debt-free and feel a great sense of relief […]

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